我很慶幸此生有機會可以學會搭便車這個技能,感謝我身邊很多冒險犯難的沙發客夥伴們,讓我從我二十幾歲就開始耳聞且慢慢習慣搭便車這個世界。 開始搭便車之後, 我學到了好多,我也慢慢變成我想要的那個未來的我。
I’m glad that I got the opportunity to learn how to hitchhike in my early 20s. I have to thank all the crazy friends I have made through Couchsurfing, who exposed me to hitchhiking and budget traveling. I have learned so much from hitchhiking while travelling, and my experience of hitchhiking has really made me a better person.
I love learning new things and am always up for new experiences. I’m curious where the new adventures could take me, and what kind of new life I could end up being a part of. This is why I love traveling so much.
搭便車經歷 Hitchhiking Experiences
I have hitchhiked by myself in Japan and Croatia. I have also hitchhiked with my partner many times in the U.S., Canada, Taiwan, Poland, and Czech Republic. Most recently, we spent around 2 weeks and hitchhiked about 4000 km in Canada to go to the Arctic Ocean. We met many people we wouldn’t have met otherwise, such as Kelly who was a career tanker truck driver, Mitch who was a cowboy and a family guy, a vanlife German couple, and many more people who were living alternative lifestyles! Sometimes, we were the first hitchhikers people picked up!
更信任世界的美好 More Trusting
I learned to trust strangers more, and realized that being trusted completely is such an amazing feeling. The people who picked me up would be afraid of me too. After all, they didn’t know what I had in my backpack. However, when we were both open to allow the other person to join us in our lives for a few hours, we got to know the lives that we’ve never imagined.
I also came to realize that having the ability to trust people is almost like a privilege. It comes from a positive outlook on humanity, which partly comes from the lack of negative experiences in life, or a secure upbringing, or simply one’s personality. I have met some people who were still willing to give the world a second, or a third chance, even after seeing the ugly side of human beings. These people, strangers as well, are my inspirations and role models.
脫離同溫層 Stepping Out Of My Bubble
Hitchhiking has also forced me out of my bubble and get to know people who are completely on the other side of the political or social spectrums. I realized, as hard as I have tried not to, that I have been discrediting the concerns and beliefs of those people all these years. Now that some of these people were the people who were generous enough to pick us up, I was forced to be overwhelmed by their kindness before I judged them. I got to know them as equals.
成為更彈性、隨興的人 More Flexible
Hitchhiking has also made me a more patient, flexible person. It’s almost impossible to predict how long we would have to wait to get a ride and when we could reach our destination while hitchhiking. There are no chairs to sit (you could bring one I guess) so we always had to stand for a long time or sit on the side of the road. It isn’t a particularly comfortable experience. However, when all of these inconveniences stopped bothering us, our travels became more free because there were less planning involved.
對空間與時間更敏銳 More Time to Stop and Smell The Roses
搭便車讓我非常習慣看地圖,也可以敏銳地體會時間跟空間的關係,比起坐飛機的旅行方式,搭便車更可以了解走過每一吋土地的感動。我記得我在加拿大丹特公路上搭便車經歷了9個小時的砂石路後,一到因紐維特市變成是柏油路時我有多麼的感動;記得從加拿大北極一路下來時終於看到森林的感動; 記得在加拿大遙遠的西北領地搭便車時,等車無聊時低頭一看,好多七彩的苔癬和菌菇類,突然覺得它們是我今天最珍貴的驚喜。這些感動都是搭飛機體會不到的。
Compared to flying, hitchhiking has allowed me to be more in touch with the changes of the landscape and the weather while travelling. Especially when I was in the Arctic in Canada, I was more able to feel the struggles that the locals have to deal with, such as being far away from grocery stores, the cold temperature, etc. I remember how relieved I felt when I first saw a paved road after 9 hours of rocky ride on the gravel road on the Dempster Highway in Canada. I remember the excitement of seeing forests when I first came back from the Arctic circle. All of these surprises would have been non-existent in my life if I had just taken a plane.
更會表達自己 More Chances to Express Myself
搭便車讓我學會更清楚地表達自己 ,並相信自己的決定。有時候搭便遇到載我們的人會信誓旦旦地給我們建議,叫我們應該要到另一個地點等會比較好,這時候通常我們都要相信自己的經驗,因為有些給我們建議的人,並沒有搭便車的經驗。
Hitchhiking also gave me more opportunities to learn to trust myself and to express my ideas and believes clearly. Sometimes, the people who picked us up would advise us another “better” stop to wait at, even thought they might not have experiences hitchhiking.
而且,基本上每搭上一趟便車,就是一次自我介紹的練習,也是一次次審視自己人生價值觀的機會。每上一次車,車上的人不免會問為什麼我要旅行?為什麼選擇搭便車?為什麼不想要有小孩? 就是因為我們知道我們相遇的時間就是這一兩個小時,所以所有的對話都非常誠實、直接。下了車之後,我們帶著跟陌生人聊天後的新火花、新元素、新想法,繼續我們的旅程。
Each time we got into the car, it was time to refine my self introduction. It was also time to examine my values in life. People always want to know why we travel the way we do, why we choose to hitchhike, and why we don’t want to have children. I noticed that I was often extra honest and straightforward with these people who picked us up, because they were strangers. The answers I gave to them are often more truthful. When I got out of their cars, I also had new outlook on my own life.
搭便車後記 About Hitchhiking
I know all of you have heard many horror stories about hitchhiking. I feel lucky that I didn’t have this baggage when I first started to hitchhike. My challenge was more about feeling ashamed of asking for help. After hitchhiking in 7 countries and accepted more than 100 rides from strangers, I have only had good experiences. There could be people who made me anxious, such as people who had completely different believes or attitudes in life so it was not completely easy to get along with them. However, they were all nice, generous people. Of course, I also have to mention, that we are always careful.
我認為相信陌生人是可以練習的。當我們對陌生人提心吊膽時,其實可以想想,我們對別人來說也是陌生人,所以別人也會對我們提心吊膽嗎?可是我們明明就是很好的人不是嗎 ? 世界上有很多人,其實跟我們是一樣的。越旅行你會越發現這世界各地的相似處,陌生人只是你還沒有發掘的朋友罷了!
Starting to trust strangers might take some practice. I think one way to think about it would be to remember: we are strangers to the other people as well. Don’t we also want them to assume we’re nice people? As one Couchsurfing host in Canada told me, “strangers are just the friends we haven’t met yet!”
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