搭便車遇見牛仔型男 Cowboy Mitch

Mitch這個牛仔型男在加拿大的英屬哥倫比亞的Williams Lake 載我們到 Prince George,總共約240公里,約兩個半小時多。他開著一台黑色的卡車,一停下來時他前座不完全是有位子的,因為要載我們一程所以他還要把一些東西移位到車廂。他是兩個孩子的爸,非常喜歡聊天,跟他同車的兩個多小時之中,聽著他說他帶著他兩個兒子出門打獵的故事,學到很多在這個區域附近鄉下人的生活方式。

Mitch gave us a ride from Williams Lake to Prince George. It was about 240 km and took around 2.5 hours. He drove a big black pickup. When he first stopped, he didn’t quite have enough space in front so he had to move some stuff to the trunk to make space for us. He was a dad of two kids. During the ride, he told us a lot of stories of when he took his sons out for hunting and outdoor activities. I learned a lot about how people in the countryside live in this part of Canada.

「我兒子跟我說:『老爸,你是我看過最強壯的人了!』我跟他們說:『沒錯!』」 在他驕傲的眼神中,我看得出來他的孩子就是他生命的一切。一路上我們聊天聊得很愉快,他也跟我們分享他之前有載過兩個搭便車的女生,是從歐洲來的。他對我們的旅行很有興趣,我們也問他很多牛仔人生的問題,一路上嘻嘻哈哈兩個小時多就過去了。

“My two kids told me, ‘Dad, you’re the strongest person that we know!’ And I told them, ‘Yup, I am.'” I could tell in his eyes that his kids were his everything. We chatted happily, and he also shared with us that he picked up two hitchhikers from Europe before. He was driving with no definite directions so he just showed them around the area. He was interested in our travel stories, and we also asked him a lot of questions about his way of living. We talked and laughed, and there it went 2.5 hours.

Mitch聽我們說我們要一路搭便車到加拿大北極,他跟我們說要是我們需要,他可以帶我們更往北。但是我們已經預計要在Prince George一個沙發客主的家待個幾天休息一下,所以就沒有接受他好意的幫助。當天在車上跟他交換IG之後,當晚看他IG的即時動態還分享載我們一程的照片呢!

When Mitch heard that we were trying to hitchhike all the way to the Arctic, he offered to take us further north. I wish we could accept the offer but we had planned to rest in Prince George for a few days at a Couchsurfer’s place. We exchanged Instagram before we got off the car. In the evening on the day, I saw that he shared a Instagram story about us.

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