中南美風味鬆餅:大蕉口味鬆餅 | 懶人背包客美味食譜 Plantain Pancakes with Aunt Jemima Buttermilk pancake mix

中南美風味鬆餅:大蕉口味鬆餅 | 懶人背包客食譜 Plantain Pancakes with Aunt Jemima Buttermilk pancake mix

你們到現在應該都知道,我目前最愛煮的食物就是中南美常見的大蕉 (Plantains)了,這種大蕉是中南美很常見的平民美食,除了可以剝皮後切薄片,單單在平底鍋煎之外(《中南美洲平民美食|香煎大蕉 Fried Platano Maduro》),也可以剝皮後整根下去煎,然後中間再加起司(《中南美平價平民美食|香煎起司大蕉 Platanos con Queso》)。

Yeah, plantains are my favorite food right now. I have fried them, added mozzarella to them, and now, I’m going to make pancakes with them! I don’t have flour with me, but I do have a box of Aunt Jemima Buttermilk pancake mix we bought in the store here in Panama. The greatest thing about it is that all we need to add to it is water!


所需食材 Ingredients

中南美風味鬆餅:大蕉口味鬆餅 | 懶人背包客食譜 Plantain Pancakes with Aunt Jemima Buttermilk pancake mix

準備時間 Time:15-20 分鐘 (mins)

份量 Portions:10 片pancakes

  • Aunt Jemima Buttermilk pancake mix 鬆餅粉一杯*
  • 一杯水**
  • 大蕉一根***
  • 雞蛋一顆
  • 牛奶半杯
  • 1 mug of Aunt Jemima Buttermilk pancake mix*
  • 1 mug of water**
  • 1 plantain***
  • 1 egg
  • half a mug of milk

*若是你是用其他牌子的鬆餅粉,可能會需要其他的材料,請看包裝上的指示。If you’re not using Aunt Jemima pancake mix, you might need other ingredients to make the pancake batter. Follow the instructions on your box.

**量鬆餅粉的馬克杯要跟量水和牛奶的馬克杯一樣。Use the same mug to measure the pancake mix, milk, and water.

***要是你買不到大蕉可以用香蕉,但是大蕉比一般香蕉容易煎,而且煎起來的口味很特別,煎了之後焦焦的有點像地瓜。 You could substitute bananas to plantains, but, man, you’re going to like the caramelized taste of fried plantains.

煮法 Instructions

  1. 把大蕉剝皮,油在平底鍋熱了之後,大蕉放下去煎到軟。 Peel the plantains and fry till soft.
frying plantain 香煎大蕉

2. 等大蕉煎軟同時,依照你的鬆餅粉盒子上的指示把鬆餅麵糊準備好。我的鬆餅粉只需要加水,麵粉和水的比例是1:1。Prepare your pancake mix with one mug of water and one mug of pancake mix. If you’re not using Aunt Jemima pancake mix, prepare the pancake batter according to the instructions on the box of your pancake mix.

Aunt Jemima Buttermilk pancake mix

3. 把煎軟的大蕉壓成泥。Smash the softened plantains.

smashing plantain 大蕉煮熟做成泥

4. 把壓成泥的大蕉加進準備好的鬆餅麵糊,再加進雞蛋和牛奶,均勻攪拌之後,麵糊濃稀度要像下面影片這種感覺。Add the mashed plantains into the pancake batter. Add the egg and the milk. After mixing, the consistency is like this in the video.

5. 在平底鍋加一點油,用一個大湯匙的量,慢慢把鬆餅粉倒進平底鍋,看鬆餅周圍開始變成金黃色,中間開始冒泡泡後,翻另一面煎。Add some oil or butter in a skillet. Pour one ladle of the batter onto the skillet. Flip to cook the other side when you see the batter is bubbling in the middle and it’s golden brown around the pancake.

frying plantain pancake 煎南美大蕉口味鬆餅


中南美風味鬆餅:大蕉口味鬆餅 | 懶人背包客食譜 Plantain Pancakes with Aunt Jemima Buttermilk pancake mix

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